Results for 'Ingrid Hansen Smythe'

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  1.  15
    The Bergen 4-Day Treatment for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Does It Work in a New Clinical Setting?Gunvor Launes, Inger Lill Laukvik, Tor Sunde, Ingrid Klovning, Kristen Hagen, Stian Solem, Lars-Göran Öst, Bjarne Hansen & Gerd Kvale - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    A Randomized Controlled Trial of Concentrated ERP, Self-Help and Waiting List for Obsessive- Compulsive Disorder: The Bergen 4-Day Treatment.Gunvor Launes, Kristen Hagen, Tor Sunde, Lars-Göran Öst, Ingrid Klovning, Inger-Lill Laukvik, Joseph A. Himle, Stian Solem, Sigurd W. Hystad, Bjarne Hansen & Gerd Kvale - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Simulation games.William E. Smythe - 1980 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3 (3):448-449.
  4. Intent and Opportunity as Predictors of a Comprehensive Ethical Decision Making Model.R. C. Ford & R. S. Hansen - forthcoming - Association of Business Ethics, Miami, Fl.
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    Heideggerian phenomenological hermeneutics: Working with the data.Elizabeth Smythe & Deb Spence - 2020 - Nursing Philosophy 21 (4):e12308.
    It is one thing to read about the methodology and methods of Heideggerian hermeneutic phenomenological research, the ontic description. It is quite another thing to be faced with an interview transcript. This article draws on a study that asked doctoral students about their experience of doing such research. How did they become “phenomenological/hermeneutic” in their thinking and writing? What helped them to find their way? We offer this article as a means of letting others learn from our own experiences. We (...)
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    An ethics of engagement.William E. Smythe - 2015 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 35 (2):128-131.
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    Computation and symbolization.William E. Smythe - 1980 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3 (1):151-152.
  8.  18
    Commentary on: ‘A critical analysis of articles using a Gadamerian‐based research method’ (Fleming & Robb).Elizabeth Smythe - 2019 - Nursing Inquiry 26 (2):e12287.
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    Chisholm on personal identity.Thomas W. Smythe - 1975 - Philosophical Studies 27 (5):351 - 360.
  10. Disembodied minds and personal identity.Thomas W. Smythe - 1988 - Philosophy Research Archives 14:415-423.
    Discussion of the human soul has bulked large in the literature of philosophy and religion. I defend the possibility of disembodied Cartesian minds by examining the criticisms of three philosophers who argue that there are serious difficulties about any attempt to account for the identity of such Cartesian minds through time. I argue that their criticisms of the possibility of disembodied minds are damaging but not fatal. I hold that the central issue behind their criticisms of Cartesian minds is whether (...)
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    Equivalence of generics.Iian B. Smythe - 2022 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 61 (5):795-812.
    Given a countable transitive model of set theory and a partial order contained in it, there is a natural countable Borel equivalence relation on generic filters over the model; two are equivalent if they yield the same generic extension. We examine the complexity of this equivalence relation for various partial orders, focusing on Cohen and random forcing. We prove, among other results, that the former is an increasing union of countably many hyperfinite Borel equivalence relations, and hence is amenable, while (...)
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    Fawkes on Indicator Words.Thomas Smythe - 1996 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 16 (1):76-77.
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    From Place to Space: A Heideggerian Analysis.Elizabeth Smythe, Deborah Spence & Jonathon Gray - 2018 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 18 (2):191-201.
    In this paper, we pay attention to the impact on staff of what was a new place, Ko Awatea, within a large New Zealand hospital. The place became a space from within which a particular mood arose. This paper seeks to capture that mood and its impact. Using a Heideggerian hermeneutic approach, the study reported on drew on data from interviews with 20 staff. Philosophical notions about the nature and mood of place/space are explored. As staff claimed this space, the (...)
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    Kant on Self-Awareness.Thomas W. Smythe - 2013 - Open Journal of Philosophy 3 (4):531.
  15.  19
    On spatial symbols.William E. Smythe & Paul A. Kolers - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (4):568-569.
  16. On the theory of the forms of knowledge.Ormand Smythe - 1978 - Philosophy of Education 34:28-39.
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    Sexual Scenarios in Freud's Joke-Analysis.Karen Smythe - 1991 - Substance 20 (1):16.
  18. The Problem of National Leadership in Nigeria.H. H. Smythe - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  19.  38
    The Historic Model of Plato’s Statesman in Politikos.Mogens Herman Hansen - 2011 - Polis 28 (1):126-131.
    In Politikos Plato draws a picture of the true statesman, a picture that has baffled several of the scholars who have analysed the dialogue, because it appears to be very abstract and remote from what we know about the development of the political organization of the poleis in the Archaic and Classical periods. In this article I argue that there is a clear historical background to the person whom Plato calls a statesman, viz., the famous legislators of the Archaic period, (...)
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    Tiden som er igjen Ole JakobLølandEn apostel for ateister.Paulus i moderne filosofi.Oslo: Vidarforlaget 2024.Lars Holm-Hansen - 2025 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 42 (3-4):368-378.
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    The virtue of simplicity: On machine learning models in algorithmic trading.Kristian Bondo Hansen - 2020 - Big Data and Society 7 (1).
    Machine learning models are becoming increasingly prevalent in algorithmic trading and investment management. The spread of machine learning in finance challenges existing practices of modelling and model use and creates a demand for practical solutions for how to manage the complexity pertaining to these techniques. Drawing on interviews with quants applying machine learning techniques to financial problems, the article examines how these people manage model complexity in the process of devising machine learning-powered trading algorithms. The analysis shows that machine learning (...)
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  22.  50
    Feed-Forward: On the Future of Twenty-First-Century Media.Mark B. N. Hansen - 2014 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    Prehensity -- Intensity -- Potentiality -- Sensibility.
  23. Idéhistorisk debat.Ole Bostrup & T. Bülow-Hansen (eds.) - 1967 - København,: Gyldendal.
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  24.  6
    Advances in Economics and Econometrics: Volume 3: Theory and Applications, Eighth World Congress.Mathias Dewatripont, Lars Peter Hansen & Stephen J. Turnovsky (eds.) - 2003 - Cambridge University Press.
    This is the third of three volumes containing edited versions of papers and commentaries presented in invited symposium sessions of the Eighth World Congress of the Econometric Society. The papers summarize and interpret recent developments and discuss future directions in a wide range of topics in economics and econometrics. The papers cover both theory and applications. Written by leading specialists in their fields, these volumes provide a unique survey of progress in the discipline.
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    Thrasymachus and His Attachment to Justice.Peter J. Hansen - 2015 - Polis 32 (2):344-368.
    Socrates defends justice against the attack mounted by Thrasymachus in Plato’s Republic, but it isn’t easy to say what the defense consists of. A careful reading shows that Thrasymachus himself is deeply though unselfconsciously attached to justice. Thrasymachus admires skillful artisans and thinks that devoting oneself to one’s art makes one a good man, worthy of good things. He feels that the skillful and unjust deserve to get the better of the artless and weak, which is to say he unselfconsciously (...)
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  26. Differential processing of thematic and categorical conceptual relations in spoken word production.Greig I. de Zubicaray, Samuel Hansen & Katie L. McMahon - 2013 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 142 (1):131.
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    Wonder-inspired leadership: Cultivating ethical and phenomenon-led healthcare.Finn Th Hansen & Lene Bastrup Jørgensen - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (6):951-966.
    Three forms of leadership are frequently identified as prerequisites to the re-humanization of the healthcare system: ‘authentic leadership’, ‘mindful leadership’ and ‘ethical leadership’. In different ways and to varying extents, these approaches all focus on person- or human-centred caring. In a phenomenological action research project at a Danish hospital, the nurses experienced and then described how developing a conscious sense of wonder enhanced their ability to hear, to get in resonance with the existential in their meetings with patients and relatives, (...)
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  28.  18
    The Demands of Performance Generating Systems on Executive Functions: Effects and Mediating Processes.Pil Hansen, Emma A. Climie & Robert J. Oxoby - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:536752.
    Performance Generating Systems (PGS) are rule- and task-based approaches to improvisation on stage in theatre, dance, and music. These systems require performers to draw on predefined source materials (texts, scores, memories) while working on complex tasks within limiting rules. An interdisciplinary research team at a large Western Canadian university hypothesized that learning to sustain this praxis over the duration of a performance places high demands on executive functions; demands that may improve the performers’ executive abilities. These performers need to continuously (...)
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  29. Introducción.Ingrid Johanna Bolívar - 2001 - In Nación y sociedad contemporánea. Bogotá, Colombia: Ministerio de Cultura.
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  30. Orientalische Kultur und Europäisches Mittelalter.A. Zimmerman & Ingrid Craemer-Ruegenberg - 1988 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 50 (3):550-550.
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    Orientalische Kultur und europäisches Mittelalter.Albert Zimmermann & Ingrid Craemer-Ruegenberg (eds.) - 1985 - De Gruyter.
    Die MISCELLANEA MEDIAEVALIA präsentieren seit ihrer Gründung durch Paul Wilpert im Jahre 1962 Arbeiten des Thomas-Instituts der Universität zu Köln. Das Kernstück der Publikationsreihe bilden die Akten der im zweijährigen Rhythmus stattfindenden Kölner Mediaevistentagungen, die vor über 50 Jahren von Josef Koch, dem Gründungsdirektor des Instituts, ins Leben gerufen wurden. Der interdisziplinäre Charakter dieser Kongresse prägt auch die Tagungsakten: Die MISCELLANEA MEDIAEVALIA versammeln Beiträge aus allen mediävistischen Disziplinen - die mittelalterliche Geschichte, die Philosophie, die Theologie sowie die Kunst- und Literaturwissenschaften (...)
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    Emotional abilities and art experience in autism spectrum disorder.Sara Coelho, Íngrid Vendrell Ferran & Achim Stephan - 2023 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences:1-26.
    In contrast to mainstream accounts which explain the aesthetic experience of people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in terms of cognitive abilities, this paper suggests as an alternative explanation the “emotional abilities approach”. We present an example of a person with ASD who is able to exercise a variety of emotional abilities in aesthetic contexts but who has difficulties exhibiting their equivalents in interpersonal relations. Using an autobiographical account, we demonstrate first that there is at least one precedent where a (...)
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    Eine bedürfnisorientierte Perspektive auf Langzeitpflege, Adipositas und Hochaltrigkeit.Solveig Lena Hansen, Benedikt Preuß & Lorraine Frisina Doetter - 2024 - Ethik in der Medizin 36 (3):391-420.
    ZusammenfassungAdipositas ist eine weltweite Herausforderung für die Gesundheitssysteme. In Zeiten des demografischen Wandels sind auch immer mehr ältere Menschen davon betroffen, was sowohl die Akut- als auch die Langzeitpflege vor erhebliche Herausforderungen stellt. Bislang fehlt eine detaillierte Analyse der vielfältigen Gruppe der über 65-Jährigen in diesem Bereich. Weder die Bedürfnisse der Pflegebedürftigen noch der Pflegekräfte und Einrichtungen werden beobachtet, analysiert oder systematisch bewertet. Darüber hinaus sind die ethischen Implikationen der professionellen Pflege von älteren Menschen mit Adipositas in Forschung und Politik (...)
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    Domain interpretations of martin-löf’s partial type theory.Erik Palmgren & Viggo Stoltenberg-Hansen - 1990 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 48 (2):135-196.
  35.  28
    Does the Business Case Matter? The Effect of a Perceived Business Case on Small Firms’ Social Engagement.Rajat Panwar, Erlend Nybakk, Eric Hansen & Jonatan Pinkse - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 144 (3):597-608.
    The business case for social responsibility is one of the most widely studied topics in the business and society literature that focuses on large firms. This attention is understandable because large firms have an obligation to shareholders who, as commonly assumed, seek to maximize returns on their investments, in turn, pressing corporate managers to show that firms’ expenditures in social engagement would pay off. Small firms, on the other hand, rarely face such pressures, yet the BCSR logic is increasingly applied (...)
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    The Existence of God: An Exposition and Application of Fregean Meta-Ontology.Stig Børsen Hansen - 2010 - De Gruyter.
    This book explores two questions that are integral to the question of the existence of God. The first question concerns the meaning of "existence" and the second concerns the meaning of "God". Regarding the first question, this book motivates, presents and defends the meta-ontology found in Gottlob Frege's writings and defended by Michael Dummett, Crispin Wright and Bob Hale. Frege's approach to questions of existence has mainly found use in connection with abstract objects such as numbers. This is one of (...)
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    (1 other version)The analytic utility of distinguishing fighting from dying.Ian Grant Hansen - 2018 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 41.
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    Preliteracy signatures of poor-reading abilities in resting-state EEG.Giuseppina Schiavone, Klaus Linkenkaer-Hansen, Natasha M. Maurits, Anna Plakas, Ben A. M. Maassen, Huibert D. Mansvelder, Aryan van der Leij & Titia L. van Zuijen - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    The Ontology of Media Operations, or, Where is the Technics in Cultural Techniques?Mark B. N. Hansen - 2017 - Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 8 (2):169-186.
    "My aim in this paper is to develop an ontology of media operations that is rooted in Gilbert Simondon’s theory of individuation. I position this media operative ontology in contrast to Bernhard Siegert’s understanding of operative ontology as a cultural technique. Drawing on Wolfgang Ernst, Henri Atlan, and Michel Serres, I argue that Siegert’s position compromises the extra-cultural operationality of technical media, and of techniques more generally, in its bid to redirect media theory from its Kittlerian trajectory. With his theory (...)
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    Infostorms.Pelle G. Hansen, Vincent F. Hendricks & Rasmus K. Rendsvig - 2013 - Metaphilosophy 44 (3):301-326.
    It has become a truism that we live in so-called information societies where new information technologies have made information abundant. At the same time, information science has made us aware of many phenomena tied to the way we process information. This article explores a series of socio-epistemic information phenomena resulting from processes that track truth imperfectly: pluralistic ignorance, informational cascades, and belief polarization. It then couples these phenomena with the hypothesis that modern information technologies may lead to their amplification so (...)
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    Introduction.Thomas Christiano, Ingrid Creppell & Jack Knight - 2017 - In Thomas Christiano, Ingrid Creppell & Jack Knight, Morality, Governance, and Social Institutions: Reflections on Russell Hardin. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 1-21.
    Russell Hardin produced a body of work of great breadth and richness on essential subjects of the social sciences and political and moral philosophy: collective action, trust, utilitarian ethics, groups and conflict, institutions, and knowledge. The volume of output, the engagement with cross-cutting fields of scholarship and myriad subjects, and his at-times conversational mode of analysis make a succinct encapsulation difficult. In this introduction, we give a brief account of three main areas of Hardin’s work: his distinctive take on the (...)
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  42. The subtleties of Aristotle's non-cause.John Woods & Hans V. Hansen - 2001 - Logique Et Analyse 176:395-415.
  43.  37
    Family Resemblances: Human Reproductive Cloning as an Example for Reconsidering the Mutual Relationships between Bioethics and Science Fiction.Solveig L. Hansen - 2018 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 15 (2):231-242.
    In the traditions of narrative ethics and casuistry, stories have a well-established role. Specifically, illness narratives provide insight into patients’ perspectives and histories. However, because they tend to see fiction as an aesthetic endeavour, practitioners in these traditions often do not realize that fictional stories are valuable moral sources of their own. In this paper I employ two arguments to show the mutual relationship between bioethics and fiction, specifically, science fiction. First, both discourses use imagination to set a scene and (...)
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  44.  26
    Politics of data reuse in machine learning systems: Theorizing reuse entanglements.Louise Amoore, Mikkel Flyverbom, Kristian Bondo Hansen & Nanna Bonde Thylstrup - 2022 - Big Data and Society 9 (2).
    Policy discussions and corporate strategies on machine learning are increasingly championing data reuse as a key element in digital transformations. These aspirations are often coupled with a focus on responsibility, ethics and transparency, as well as emergent forms of regulation that seek to set demands for corporate conduct and the protection of civic rights. And the Protective measures include methods of traceability and assessments of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ datasets and algorithms that are considered to be traceable, stable and contained. However, (...)
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  45.  65
    Truth and Discursive Activism: The Promise and Perils of Hashtag Feminism.Jennifer L. Hansen - 2021 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 35 (2):117-129.
    I explore both the potential and the perils of Twitter as a space for constituting a Deweyan public aimed at transforming how "we" (here, I mean not only citizens of the United States but global citizens) affectively receive and thereby respond to and resist sexual violation. In the course of this brief exploration, I operate with a pragmatic notion of "truth," namely, as democratically formulating a hypothesis concerning the nature of a social problem that enables fruitful amelioration of the problem. (...)
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    A Searchable Bibliography of Fallacies – 2016.Hans V. Hansen & Cameron Fioret - 2016 - Informal Logic 36 (4):432-472.
    This bibliography of literature on the fallacies is intended to be a resource for argumentation theorists. It incorporates and sup- plements the material in the bibliography in Hansen and Pinto’s Fallacies: Classical and Contemporary Readings, and now includes over 550 entries. The bibliography is here present- ed in electronic form which gives the researcher the advantage of being able to do a search by any word or phrase of interest.
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  47.  14
    Twenty Years of Revolt.Sarah K. Hansen & Rebecca Tuvel - 2017 - In New forms of revolt: essays on Kristeva's intimate politics. Albany, NY: SUNY Press. pp. 1-14.
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    The Ambiguity and Existentialism of Human Sexuality in The Unbearable Lightness of Being.John Hansen - 2015 - Philosophy Pathways 194.
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    The adequacy of verbal articulation of emotions.Forest Hansen - 1972 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 31 (2):249-253.
  50. The Date of the Alliance between Athens and Egesta.Ove Hansen - 1990 - Hermes 118 (3):376-377.
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